

Solution 88 is a multi-sectoral and international company with extensive experience and development in the pointers and commercial sectors, is a conglomerate of relations between Spain and China. Providing capital in various professional sectors, providing solutions to each and projecting into the future. The various solutions are based on professional experience, mastery of the sector to try and draft quality services without competition.


El cliente es siempre lo más importante y el objetivo es conseguir en todo momento el 100% de su satisfacción. La rapidez en el servicio, el trato amable y personal y la constante adaptación a los gustos del cliente son los medios para conseguirlo.

Contact with us

Phone : +34 93 143 07 67
Mobilphone : +34 615 888 999
Mobilphone : +34 655 888 999
Email :
Address : C./Diputación 279
Planta 1 08007 Barcelona
