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The main objective of the company is to offer solutions and facilitate costumers the basic tools to establish their business and realize their projects.
The solutions are based on the professional experience, the mastery of industry and the necessary resources to focus the projects to offer quality services.


  • Confidence
  • Seriousness
  • Profesionalism
  • Experience

solución 88

Solution 88 is a consultancy dedicated to advise investors interested in betting on the most recognized franchises in Spain and get the most appropriate location for each type of business.
The experience of our professionals demonstrate extensive knowledge in various fields to solve, based on the objectives and corporate development with the latent innovation of our creative.
Solution 88 is an international company with different policy areas in the leading sectors of the country that has commercial relations between Spain and China.


The Best Brands

We offer the most recognized brands in the industry.


If you do not have experience in the sector, we will provide it

Marketing and Advertising

We do the advertising and marketing of franchises.


We simplify the steps to mount a franchise from the beginning.

Warranty and Results

Safety and high percentage of satisfactory results.


Innovation is one of our concerns.
committed and highly professional team.
Experience and international leadership.
career Opportunities .

what we do?

Quienes somos

Somos una empresa sólida, dinámica, flexible y que nos adaptamos a los cambios. La innovación es una de nuestras preocupaciones. Equipo humano comprometido y altamente profesional. Sostenibilidad: crecimiento económico, equilibrio ecológico y progreso social. Experiencia y liderazgo internacional. Oportunidades de desarrollo profesional. Balance entre la vida profesional y personal. La experiencia de nuestros profesionales demuestra un amplio conocimiento en los diversos campos a resolver, partiendo de los datos objectivos y desarrollo corporativo con la innovación latente de nuestros creativos.

Contact with us

Phone : +34 93 143 07 67
Mobilphone : +34 615 888 999
Mobilphone : +34 655 888 999
Email : info@solucion88.com
Address : C./Diputación 279
Planta 1 08007 Barcelona
